Popular Services

Submit a general request to the Service Desk. Use when no other forms apply.

Use the TPR to submit a request for purchase of technology with college funds.

Use this form to request audio visual and media equipment for an event or meeting.

Apply for a department or club fictitious email account.

Request help with webforms and Salli access.

Request a meeting with an IT Technician to learn about classroom technology.

Request access to use the Qualtrics application.

Lending equipment

Assistance with Colleague, GaelXpress, ImageNow and Student Information Systems (SIS).

Report broken SMC technology.

Request a technician to disconnect, move and reconnect campus owned technology.

Questions or issues regarding Power BI can be submitted here.

Use this form to request new user access to Colleague or to request additional access for an existing Colleague user. Supervisors, or Department Managers, are required to fill out this form on behalf of their staff.

Submission form for members of the Office of Marketing and Communications only.

Request help with a faculty and/or scholar profile.

Submit an idea for a project.

Request to activate Internet port in residence halls.

By submitting this you are opting in to receive ITS email notifications about security and service alerts.

Submit an application for a hardware token (Gael Key) for Multi-Factor Authentication.

Provide information to report lost or stolen SMC technology.