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Switching to Chat from classic Hangouts

apply to messages that you haven't read after 12 hours. They are not sent for @mentions. For more details, see Get started with Google Chat. *These instructions are primarily dor the web client please see Get started with Google Chat for more information.

Colleague Overview

responsible for specific data. Colleague is an Ellucian (formerly Datatel) product. Another component of the Colleague software is a product called WebAdvisor, which the college has labelled

ITS Service Desk Service Level Agreement

Machine Employee Web Directory Maintain and update Listserv assistance TechBar Staffing and training Cloud Printer maintenance Zoom Basic functions and

Academic Resiliency Checklist

Please refer to SMC's public website for the Academic Resiliency Checklist.

Transcript Requests

Transcript requests for both current and past students are handled by the Office of the Registrar. See their website to request a transcript or to learn more, please see below direct contact

Moodle - How To: Embed a Video

exists in a video streaming website, such as YouTube You know how to COPY the URL address of the desired video Instructions Open a browser window, locate the desired video, and COPY its URL address

Zoom: Using Multiple Cameras in Zoom

webcam ... In Zoom, you can add a secondary camera feed using the Screen Share menu. This means you can use a document camera or a DIY solution such as a webcam with a flexible tripod to capture writing on

Migrating SMC gmail data to another gmail account.

).   Sign into the following Google webpage in Google Chrome (copy and paste the following)--->   Follow the rest of the procedure outlined in the video. NOTE

Moodle - How to: Share Google Drive Content in course site

California with a link can view Copy the website addres Click Done. Go to your Moodle course site and click Turn Editing On. Decide which section you want to put the Google Drive file link and click

EDUCAUSE -Legal Sources of Online Content

represent artists who want their material distributed for free, or for other reasons. Just because content is free doesn't mean it's illegal. On the other hand, you may find websites offering to sell

FAQ: Requirements for Cable Television Service

manufacturer's website. What is a QAM Tuner and how do I know if my TV has one? A QAM tuner allows your TV to tune to digital or HD channels. Most, but not all, TV’s that were made after 2006 have a QAM tuner

Zoom: Technical Requirements, Best Practices and Recommendations

Technical Requirements strong internet connection a laptop with a webcam and microphone NOTE: If the meeting uses the Zoom interactive tools, such as Polling and BreakOut Rooms, it is

VCRs and VHS in SMC Classrooms

something similar in support of your curriculum. Please consult with your subject librarian, or visit the Library website for more information Alternative Ways to

Transferring your Google account (Google Takeout)

optionally sends an email notification when the export is completed, at which point the user can download the archive from the downloads section of the website. The zip file contains a separate folder for each

FAQ: GaelPrint

print account balance by checking the GaelPrint website at Q: How will I pay for GaelPrint if I exceed my quota? A:  The charges will be billed to your student account by