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Zoom: Host Breakout Rooms controls

(groups) you want to create; select if you want to be created automatically (Zoom assigns participants; for example, if you have 10 participants and create 3 Breakout Rooms, you will have 2 groups of 3

Moodle - How to: Access Student TurnItIn Submissions

submitted to the TurnItIn assignment link you put in your Moodle course site. You are ready to view your Students' TurnItIn submissions and give feedback. Instructions Go to your Moodle

Moodle: Not receiving email from Moodle

Relevant To: All SMC Faculty, Students, and Staff who use Moodle. Introduction There are a few reasons you may stop getting email sent from Moodle.  Google may, in an effort to keep end users

Moodle - How to: Change the Course Site theme

Introduction Themes provide a "skin" to change the look and feel of your course site.  They also change the functionality sometimes. The default theme, Altitude, will give you Moodle's full

Switching to Chat from classic Hangouts

apply to messages that you haven't read after 12 hours. They are not sent for @mentions. For more details, see Get started with Google Chat. *These instructions are primarily dor the web client please see Get started with Google Chat for more information.

6.1 Campus Unavailable IT Procedures - User IT Procedures

incidents that could make the campus unavailable.  IT Services is committed to providing you information necessary to make informed choices on how to use technology if the campus is unavailable. Due

Google JamBoard (Website)

, download it as PDF, save the frame as an image, remove it, or make a copy.  The other options <Updates> opens a Jamboard help window and <Send feedback> let you send information (including screenshot) to


Apple USB-C VGA Multiport Adapter The USB-C VGA Multiport Adapter lets you connect your MacBook with USB-C port to an VGA display, while also connecting a standard USB device and charging cable

How to delegate a fictitious account in Gmail?

This article talks about email delegation and how to delegate email accounts to other SMC accounts. ... What is it?  In Gmail, delegated accounts and shared inboxes are the same thing. We use them to grant people access to a single Gmail account. What are the benefits of delegating a Gmail account

Google Groups: Manager Role Instructions

option: To approve the messages, click Approve message . To reject the messages, click Reject message . To approve the messages and automatically approve

FAQ: Faculty Profiles

( and click on the "Edit your Faculty Profile" link under Faculty Campus Resources. To learn more about faculty profile editing access and how to update a faculty profile view the

Disabling DNS over HTTPS

 Disabled. Click Relaunch to relaunch the browser window with this change.  How To, Newer versions of Chrome: In Chrome's settings, select 'Privacy and Security' In 'Privacy and

Google Sites: How to transfer SMC Site to a personal Google Site

Email you will be using (your personal Google email), making sure you select <Can edit> and if you want to be notified by email, also select the box in front of [Notify people]. Remember to click on

Moodle - How to: Add a Website Link

Prerequisites You hold a Teacher role of the Moodle site.   Instructions 1.  Open a browser window, locate the desired website, and copy the URL address. 2.  Go to your Moodle course

Moodle - How to: Unenroll yourself from a course site

Why unenroll yourself from the course? Mainly, due to not wanting to see it in your Moodle course list.  You are not the assigned Teacher of the course and you don't want to see it in your