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User Guide: Technology Quick Start Guide for Staff

SMC.  While many faculty use Moodle to manage their courses, some administrative areas use it for other purposes. Google Apps - Saint Mary's College uses Google Apps for email, calendaring, file

Google JamBoard (Website)

) Redo (last action) Zoom (change size of view screen, zoom in or out) Background (change background: white, dots, rules, squares, graph, blue & chalkboard; each frame can be customized with their own

Canvas - How to: Enable third-party cookies for Proctorio support

Relevant To: Faculty and students working with Proctorio quizzes. Introduction Primary support for Proctorio is through Proctorio itself. A good way to get support is via the chat feature in

Moodle - Export to Portfolio

Relevant To: Faculty and students in Moodle courses Prerequisites You have access to a Moodle site containing Forum, Open Forum, or Chat activities. Introduction The Export to Portfolio

How to Upload Files into your SMC Google Drive

accessible viewable formats. Prerequisites You are a SMC faculty, staff, or student. Instructions  NOTE: These instructions assume that you have never uploaded files into your SMC Google

Moodle - How to: Switch role to Student

the user menu 'Switch role' so that they can see what the course would look like to someone with that role. Most faculty want to see the course site from the Student view, so this is a very useful

FAQ: Technology Purchasing

Q: What is the TPR or Technology Purchase Request Form? A: The TPR is where faculty and staff can order technology using SMC funds, view recent orders, and learn more about the ordering process

Moodle - How To: Grant an extension in an Assignment

Relevant To: Faculty in a Moodle course  Prerequisites You are a teacher in a Moodle course site Introduction For those occasions where you choose to grant an extension for a single student, you

Office 365 for Education

program is available for faculty- and employee-owned systems until such time that the individual is no longer employed by SMC. Office applications will stop working on the employee's computer or device but

Saint Mary's College User/Email Account Deletion Procedure

: Students who have graduated or are no longer enrolled Faculty or staff who have voluntarily left or have been terminated Approximate Account Deletion Dates Accounts for Saint Mary's College of

FAQ: Replacement

Q: When will my College-owned computing equipment be replaced? College-owned desktop and laptop computers for full time staff and faculty are replaced on a 4.5 year replacement cycle. You can

FAQ: Audio/Video Support

(Logon Required) Email Support: Q: What kinds of audio/video resources are available to me? Faculty and staff have access to installed audio/video technology in classrooms and

User unable to access GaelXpress.

There are two scenarios in which a user is prevented from accessing GaelXpress on campus; 1- If you are using a laptop that connects to the campus WiFi, be sure you are connecting to the SMC-WiFi

Info Sheet: IT Development Proposals

Saint Mary's College of California practices IT governance, which is to say that significant changes or additions related to the development of the College's IT resources require proposals that are

Moodle - How To: tips for quiz security

Relevant to: Faculty in a Moodle course Prerequisites: You are a teacher in a Moodle course site Introduction One of the major concerns for online quizzes -- whether part of a face-to