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Canvas - How to: Get a list of students with first name, last name, and email

email ... Relevant To: Faculty Prerequisites: You are teaching a course Introduction Canvas can provide a roster list of student names and email addresses, as can GaelXpress.  However, the native

Email Lists for Staff and Faculty

email-lists ... This document explains how staff and faculty are assigned to email lists at SMC. The difference between all.staff@stmarys and all.faculty@stmarys versus staff@stmarys and faculty@stmarys. Note

Creating a group email

Quick and dirty how-to on creating an email group. ... First thing you want to do is collect all of the addresses. If it populates in an SMC email, that's a good place to start.   Once you get all of your addresses, open the Google apps icon (the

Moodle - How To: Send Email via QuickMail

Relevant to: Faculty using Moodle Introduction QuickMail is a default Block  used to email all participants of the course or a selection of participants.  Prerequisites These instructions

Send & Open Confidential Emails

email ... recipients from accidentally sharing your email, it doesn't prevent recipients from taking screenshots or photos of your messages or attachments. Recipients who have malicious programs on their computer may

Moodle: Not receiving email from Moodle

Relevant To: All SMC Faculty, Students, and Staff who use Moodle. Introduction There are a few reasons you may stop getting email sent from Moodle.  Google may, in an effort to keep end users

Student Email Account Termination

Introduction SMC periodically deletes user/email computer accounts belonging to individuals no longer affiliated with Saint Mary's College of California. "No longer affiliated" is defined as

Unsubscribe from Google Groups (email lists)

list ... There are two ways to unsubscribe from a Google Group (email lists). Note: At SMC users can not remove themselves from all.staff, all.faculty or all.student lists. 1.  If there is a footer at the

Moodle - How To: Email Students via the Announcements forum

top of the list, even if you make other Announcements. Scroll down and click Post to Forum Notes The emails are sent to teachers as well as students -- all users of any role

Moodle - How to: Customize Your Dashboard Course List

Relevant to: All Moodle users. Overview Moodle's Dashboard has been updated to allow different ways to sort, filter, view, slice, and dice your course list. For example, you can star your

User Guide: SMC Email Using Outlook

email ... configuration instructions below, you can use the instructions below to configure the Outlook/Gmail connection.  As always, a call (x426) or email ( to the IT Service Desk is all

Phishing Example: Unofficial "Benefits" Email

affected by this Phishing campaign and have reached out to them directly. The Phishing email contains the subject line "Benefits" and is intended to lure users to contact a malicious email address. Please

Moodle - How to: Stop Moodle Assignment Emails

Relevant To: All SMC Faculty Introduction By default, Moodle assignments email instructors every time a student uploads a submission. To Stop Moodle Assignment Emails Assuming you are

How to Access and Manage a Delegated Email Account in Gmail

Saint Mary's College (SMC) Gmail allows a person to access and manage multiple SMC Gmail accounts. The way this is possible is through Google's email delegation feature. ITS will usually manage and

Moodle - How To: Stop Turnitin Emails

Relevant To: All SMC Faculty Introduction By default, Turnitin assignments email instructors every time a student uploads a submission. To Stop Turnitin Emails Log into Moodle Click Preferences